Privacy Policy

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Goroom Hotel

Guest are required to by the following :

  1. At the time of check it are requested to prove their identity.
  2. Rights of admission are reserved.
  3. Immoral activites are prohibited
  4. Checkin time is 2:00 PM
  5. Checkout time is 12:00 PM
  6. Advance rent shall be at the time of check in.
  7. Bills are to be on Presentation. No baggage is to be removed from the room until the bills are completely settled.
  8. Female visitor is not allowed visit single person's room. staying as a guest and voice versa, they are allowed to see in lobby are only
  9. Precious things or cash shall not be let in room while leaving the room. It should be kept in personal custody or deposited to the hotel management.
  10. The management i in no way responsible for any accident or even death.